It's that time of the month again, and by that I'm talking about the Rose Bowl flea market! It comes once a month and it will be taking place again this Sunday at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena! Although admission is $8, it is completely worth it! I visited this flea market for the first time last summer and it is incredible! There are hundreds of vendors and it seemed like the market was endless! If you've never been, it is definitely worth checking out! You'll be able to find sunglasses, clothes, accessories, shoes, vintage pieces, and so much more! My friend once bought an adorable gold vintage Gucci watch for $1! Ridiculous or what?! Last summer it was a little hard to enjoy with the blazing hot sun, but lately the mornings and early afternoons have be quite cool so this weekend should be the best time for a flea market! Even if you get a little tired, you can rest and sit in the Rose Bowl stadium while you enjoy some delicious food and the best frozen lemonade! You won't want to miss it or else you'll have to wait a whole month until the next one!

Hmmm...vintage Gucci...I should check it out one of these days--I mean months. ;)