Let me start by saying that if you haven't yet helped out Haiti in anyway- you need to. NOW. Whether you help by sending some money or saying a prayer, it truly is important for everyone to make some kind of a contribution (even if it does mean that you go Starbucks free for a day... i'm sure you'll survive). In addition to texting 'HAITI' to 90999 last week, I just purchased my tickets to see the
Real Medicine for Haiti show which includes live acoustic performances at the House of Blues in LA. Have I mentioned how much I love it here in LA?!
Who am I most excited to see perform? BRETT DENNEN. Ever since I layed ears on his songs I have been simply smitten- if you haven't become a fan of his, become one! :)
Alright, well have a good weekend everyone. No work tomorrow= no post tomorrow. Adios chica/os!

You get to see Brett Dennen?! That's awesome! Great music. And I agree, everyone should do something to help with Haiti. They definitely need it.